Amy Schumer Reveals She Has Cushing’s Syndrome

Amy Schumer Reveals She Has Cushing’s Syndrome

Actress and director Amy Schumer has recently disclosed that she is battling Cushing’s Syndrome, a rare hormonal disorder that can significantly impact one’s appearance and overall health. The revelation came after Schumer faced comments about her face appearing “puffier” during recent TV interviews.

Schumer, 42, revealed her diagnosis in an interview with the News Not Noise newsletter. She said she “realized something was wrong” when she heard comments about her looks after she appeared on The Tonight Show and Good Morning America.

She said that while she was promoting the new season of her Hulu series, Life & Beth, she was “also in MRI machines four hours at a time, having my veins shut down from the amount of blood drawn and thinking I may not be around to see my son grow up.”

When doctors told her she has Cushing’s syndrome, she said, she was relieved to discover the condition should not pose a serious threat to her health. “Finding out I have the kind of Cushing that will just work itself out and I’m healthy was the greatest news imaginable. It has been a crazy couple weeks for me and my family,” she told the newsletter.

Amy Schumer Reveals She Has Cushing’s Syndrome

“Over time, the excess cortisol causing these symptoms can lead to progressive deleterious health effects like high blood pressure, diabetes, bone loss,” said Dr. Lilah Morris-Wiseman, the chief of Johns Hopkins Medicine’s division of endocrine surgery.

In the newsletter interview, Schumer said she had been undergoing medical tests while also doing a round of interviews to promote the new season of her Hulu show, “Life and Beth.”

Amy Schumer the newsletter that she was “in M.R.I. machines four hours at a time, having my veins shut down from the amount of blood drawn and thinking I may not be around to see my son grow up.”

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“So finding out I have the kind of Cushing that will just work itself out and I’m healthy was the greatest news imaginable,” she added.

Cushing’s syndrome is sometimes the result of a tumor in the adrenal gland or elsewhere in the brain, requiring surgery.

Amy Schumer Reveals She Has Cushing’s Syndrome

But in Amy Schumer case, the excess cortisol that led to her diagnosis was brought on by “getting steroid injections in high doses,” according to the newsletter.

The comic has been open about having endometriosis, a disease that affects the uterus and can be treated with steroids, though it was unclear if that was why Schumer was getting injections.

When steroids are the cause of Cushing’s syndrome, reducing their use can help reverse the symptoms of the disorder, Dr. Morris-Wiseman said.

Amy Schumer highlighted the shaming that women face when their

bodies change. Many comments on social media after her appearance on “The Tonight Show” were derisive and misogynistic.

After that appearance, Amy Schumer wrote in an Instagram post that a woman “doesn’t need any excuse for her physical appearance and owes no explanation,” but that she wanted to “take the opportunity to advocate for self love and acceptance of the skin you’re in.”

She is the latest celebrity to disclose a medical diagnosis after facing public scrutiny over her health.

Amy Schumer Reveals She Has Cushing’s Syndrome

Understanding Cushing’s Syndrome

What Is Cushing’s Syndrome?:

Cushing’s syndrome occurs when a person has elevated levels of cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone, for an extended period. It predominantly affects individuals who have been on steroid medications, especially in high doses.

Amy Schumer’s Experience:

The actress attributed the change in her appearance to endometriosis initially. However, after seeking medical advice, she received the diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome. Schumer expressed relief upon learning that her specific type of Cushing’s should resolve on its own and not pose a serious threat to her health.

Types of Cushing’s:

There are various forms of Cushing’s, some of which can be fatal and require interventions like brain surgery or adrenal gland removal. Fortunately, Schumer’s condition falls into the category that will naturally improve over time.


Common symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome include weight gain, facial puffiness, muscle weakness, and mood changes.

Medical Journey:

Amy Schumer underwent extensive medical tests, including MRI scans, and grappled with fears about her health. She emphasized the importance of paying attention to one’s body and seeking professional help when something feels amiss.

Public Scrutiny:

As a public figure, Amy Schumer faced not only health concerns but also scrutiny from online commentators. She acknowledged the impact of internet chatter on her well-being and expressed gratitude for the awareness it raised about her condition.

Amy Schumer’s openness about her health journey serves as a reminder that even celebrities face health challenges and that seeking medical advice promptly is crucial. We wish her strength and a healthy recovery.

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