“One Day: I Rarely Saw People Like Me in Lead Roles,” Says Ambika Mod

One Day

Netflix’s “One Day” has captured hearts worldwide, and its lead star, Ambika Mod, reflects on her journey from a young reader to playing the iconic character Emma Morley in the TV adaptation of David Nicholls’ bestselling novel.

A Childhood Dream Realized

At just 13 years old, Ambika Mod first delved into the pages of “One Day.” Little did she know that years later, she would step into Emma’s shoes, bringing her to life on screen. “God no, all of this is still mad to me,” Ambika said. Born in Hatfield to Indian immigrant parents, she grew up with a passion for storytelling but rarely saw people who looked like her in lead roles in Western productions.

One Day

Representation Matters

Ambika’s sentiments resonate with many. Historically, Black, Asian, and other ethnic minority actors were often relegated to supporting roles rather than central characters. However, recent years have seen positive shifts. “But I think we’ve still got a long, long way to go,” Ambika acknowledges.

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Breaking Barriers

Ambika stars opposite Leo Woodall as Dexter Mayhew in the new Netflix series. The casting decision was made “regardless of ethnicity,” emphasizing the importance of character depth. “It opens up a whole other dimension to her character and her identity,” Ambika explains. Her portrayal of Emma carries significance beyond the screen, especially for young women of color.

One Day

A Beloved Role

Anne Hathaway previously portrayed Emma in the 2011 film version of “One Day.” Stepping into those shoes was both daunting and exhilarating for Ambika. The series spans 14 episodes, chronicling Emma and Dexter’s relationship revisited on the same day each year over two decades.

One Day

Life-Changing Potential

Ambika, known for her breakout role in “This Is Going To Hurt,” and Leo Woodall, who played Jack in “The White Lotus,” are poised for potential life-changing success. If “One Day” achieves the acclaim of recent book-to-TV adaptations like “Normal People” and “Bridgerton,” their careers may soar to new heights.

One Day

A Hopeful Message

As Ambika Mod embodies Emma Morley, she hopes her casting will open minds and inspire young women like her. Representation matters, and her journey from reader to lead star is a testament to the power of breaking barriers.

Watch “One Day” Trailer on Netflix

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